Ukrainian kant as the third layer' s ganre: the European historical context


  • Larysa Vasylieva Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University, Ukraine



Ukrainian kant, genre, the "third layer"


Purpose of Article. The aim of the article is a description of features of the Ukrainian kant in European historical context of the "third layer" musical genres development. Methodology. Research methodology consists of cultural with using historical-logical and comparative methods. It allows to reveal the features of the Ukrainian kant on a background the different genres of the "third layer," spread simultaneously with him in Western Europe. Scientific novelty. A scientific novelty consists in the comparison of the genre and musically-stylistic features of song genres of the Western Europe "third layer" and Ukrainian kant, research of direction of development of separate genres of the third layer in Western Europe and kant in Ukraine 16-18 century. Conclusions. The Ukrainian kant is part of the process of secularizing of European culture, which became the reason of musical genre’s existence of the "third layer." Spreading of secular song creativity from west to east became one of secularizing manifestation from Spain to Russia during ХІІІ – XVIII centuries. Ukrainian kаnt has a significant number of common features in content, structure, means of expressiveness, the composition of performers with the different song genres of the "third layer." A difference consists in descending direction of his spread in the Еastern European musical culture unlike ascending in Western European.

Author Biography

Larysa Vasylieva, Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University

PhD in Arts, Associate Professor of Musical Art Department


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