
  • Tetiana Kaznacheieva A. V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy, Ukraine



dance, opera, dance genre synthesis, great dance form, small dance form, minuet, landler, contredanse.


The purpose of the work. The research is connected with the investigation of the embodiment of a concept of a dance genre synthesis in the context of the opera "Don Juan" by W. A. Mozart created at the end of the XVIII century. The influence of different dance genres on formation of the music and stage dramaturgy is analyzed through the example of one more masterpiece by W. A. Mozart – opera "The Marriage of Figaro" referring to the same period of his works. The methodological basis of the research consists in application of historical, genre-style and structure-textual approaches. A scientific novelty of the work lies in justification of introduction of the concept of the dance genre synthesis, favoring creation of a comprehensive subject-methodological basis of the analysis of peculiarities of the embodiment of the dance art in the opera genre. Conclusions. The dance genre synthesis is the embodiment of an integral combination and connection of different levels of dance genres in a creative work. A combination of components of different dance genres and their concurrent joining lead to the creation of the new, complex and synthesized whole.

Author Biography

Tetiana Kaznacheieva, A. V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy

PhD in Arts, senior lecturer The Department of Common and Specialized Piano


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