
  • Yuliya Kapliyenko-Iliuk A. V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy, Ukraine



program music, piano creative works, composers of Bukovyna, program miniature, musical portraits, J. Elgiser.


The purpose of the article is to identify the peculiarities of program music in the comprehensive study of the piano creative works of one of the contemporary Bukovynian composers – Joseph Elgiser. Methodology consists in the use of the methods of historical and cultural, theoretical and genre-style analysis, which allowed determining the main program features of the composer's piano works. The scientific novelty lies in the study of the development of professional musical art of Bukovyna; in revealing the features of creative thinking of the composers of the region; in clarifying the principles of piano music in the region; in the analysis of J. Elgiser's program music, whose works are not sufficiently studied in contemporary musicology. Conclusions. The works of Joseph Elgiser are quite varied and versatile. The best and the most valuable ones were written by him for piano. It was in the music for this instrument that his talent and skill were revealed. In the genres of piano music, which are almost fully represented in the works of J. Elgiser, the features of the master’s creative style were revealed. Most of the creative works of J. Elgiser are program music that is notable for its autobiographic peculiarities. In the works with program names, the composer reveals important events of his life, impressions of travel, meetings and concerts. The component of J. Elgiser's program thinking is a portrait theme associated with the names of musicians, poets, artists of the present and the past. A wide range of images, their frequent "kaleidoscopic" change has influenced the diminutiveness of the shape. Guided by traditional musical structures, J. Elgiser creates small musical sketches, which clearly manifested the individual style of the composer's thinking.

Author Biography

Yuliya Kapliyenko-Iliuk, A. V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy

PhD in Arts, associate professor,
doctoral student


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