Tonal image of the mass theatralized performance in the context of the general-scale of the artistic image


  • Nikolaj Kripchuk Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



mass theatrical performance, director, sound producer, director's intention, musical material, tonal image, artistic image, musical and staging competences.


Purpose of the Article. The article aims to determine the problems and their solutions of the sound design of a mass theatrical performance when creating a tonal image of the production. The methodology of the research consists in the application of musicological, cultural, art, system-structural and comparative methods which allowed us to consider the object under study as an integral part of the vast area of spectacular art at the present stage. Scientific Novelty. In the article the process of the sound decision of the mass theatrical performance was studied for the first time, the features of creating a tonal image of the production were considered, the specifics of the localization of the sound center and the specificity of the integrated sound reinforcement system were characterized, and the director's musical and performance competencies were accentuated. Conclusions. The embodiment of the director's plan depends mainly on the general concept of the musical decision of the production. The contemporary director, considering the dialectical connection between the development of art and culture, scientific progress in the context of technical means of expressiveness, must have musical and staging competences, which are the primary factor in creating a tonal image of a mass theatrical performance. Such view of study makes it possible to understand this process as a general aesthetic phenomenon.

Author Biography

Nikolaj Kripchuk, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Ph.D. in History of Arts, Assistant Professor


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