The show as a component of modern culture: the formulation of the problem


  • Vasyl Romanchyshyn National Academy of Guiding cadres of culture and arts, Ukraine



mass culture, spectacle, modern spectacular culture, mass theatrical performances, visuality


Objective: systematization of existing works on the problem of spectacle, as well as revealing features of the spectacle in the conditions of modern culture. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is the general scientific principles of systematization and generalization of the problem under study, as well as an interdisciplinary approach that allows studying the problem under study with the wide involvement of scientific works of various branches of knowledge, in particular philosophy, cultural studies, art studies and sociology of culture. Scientific novelty of research. The vast majority of shows serves commercial or socio-political goals, not contributing to the growth of spirituality. However, modern realities require that the spectacle play an important role of elevating and asserting spirituality, supporting traditions and values, contributing to the renewal and revival of culture. The novelty of the work is to justify the opinion that the spectacle allows us to unite the masses of people on the basis of a single cultural tradition, and also - to attach disparate individuals to eternal values. Conclusions. Modern entertainment culture, on the one hand, is aimed at emotional and entertaining pleasure of participants and spectators, and on the other hand, it can be argued that the development of spectacular culture is determined by the appearance of the director and the use of theatrical elements and the use of modern innovative media technologies whose development in a certain degree due to the development of spectacular culture. The multifunctionality of the modern spectacle encourages the creative search of specialists involved in the creation of mass actions, sometimes performs not only entertaining, but also educational function, cognitive and even art-therapeutic.

Author Biography

Vasyl Romanchyshyn, National Academy of Guiding cadres of culture and arts

professor of the department of stage and audiovisual art


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