
  • Natalia Hromchenko Dnipropetrovsk Glinka Music Academy, Ukraine
  • Elena Zheltobryukhova Dnipropetrovsk Glinka Music Academy, Ukraine




high-positional singing, performing breathing, head resonating, sound generation, singing range, register, articulation, vocal-choral performing.


The purpose of this scientific article consists in discovering multifaceted significance of high singing position in academic vocal-choral art as well as revealing technological problematic aspects of high positional sound and some ways of its solution for singers of academic performing manner. Methodology of the study is based on the application of theoretical and empirical methods of investigation. The authors use the system-complex technique, which helps to understand the specialized components of high-positional singing as holistic indivisible technological phenomenon of professional vocal-choral academic art. Methods of analysis and synthesis are also used, which allows delineating the most characteristic attributes of high sound position and concentrating on integrity of this vocal skill. The important attention is also given to such empirical techniques as observation and generalization. Scientific novelty of this research lies in the fact that the process of high-positional singing is studied as a separately underlined problem of academic vocal-choral art. Herewith, the high sound position is considered by the investigators from the point of view of technological generalization, productively decisive criterion for complete activity of all musician-singer’s sound generative complex. The authors emphasize the most essential technological role of positional high sound regarding diverse academic voices in high and low registers. Conclusions of the investigative disquisition reflect the main qualitative significance of the high sound position in the academic vocal-choral professional art. The research focuses on the fundamental role of highly professional work of many vocal sound generating components (breathing, resonators and sound attack) for reaching right positional sounding. The researchers denote that qualitative high tone of muscular activity of articulatory sounding apparatus and performing breathing creates resonating foundation in a cavity mouth and pharynx, and involves nasal sinuses, frontal and high-cranial resonating sites. Exactly this generates the conditions for so-called "near" sound.

Author Biographies

Natalia Hromchenko, Dnipropetrovsk Glinka Music Academy

Teacher of the Vocal-Choral Art and Musicology Chair

Elena Zheltobryukhova, Dnipropetrovsk Glinka Music Academy

Teacher of the Vocal-Choral Art and Musicology Chair


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