Specificity of the concertmaster's activity in the sphere of choreography


  • Galina Ilina Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine




choreography, concertmaster, classical dance, choreographic art, musical accompaniment, improvisation.


The purpose of the article is to find out the specifics of the concertmaster's activities in the sphere of choreography at a higher educational institution. The methodology of the research is based on theoretical positions in which music-performing activity is considered as a complicated psycho-physiological process, as well as the conclusions of practitioners of performing arts related to the work of the accompanying type, using methods included in the observation of the creative process of several concertmasters, as well as self-observation. Scientific novelty consists in elucidating the specifics of the concertmaster's activity in higher educational institutions. Conclusions. The content of the concertmaster's work is determined by the content of the curriculum and the curriculum of discipline, the semantic load of each class. A professional concertmaster creates a great variety of mood, enriches the musical fabric with a variety of harmonic and timbre nuances. Creative ideas of teachers and students, individual ways of their realization are possible provided joint work with the concertmaster of choreography.

Author Biography

Galina Ilina, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Leading concertmaster of the Chair of Contemporary and Ballroom Choreography


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