
  • German Yushin Dnipropetrovsk Glinka Music Academy, Ukraine
  • Yaroslav Potapov Dnipropetrovsk Glinka Music Academy, Ukraine



researcher, investigation, trombone, analysis, masterpiece, academic performing


The purpose of this article consists in analyzing and systematizing of contemporary Ukrainian scientific works, dedicated to investigation of playing trombone at the sphere wind academic musically performing art. The purpose also includes the determination of scientific high-priority, but not researched directions in domain of trombone performing. The methodology of this disquisition is based on the use of methods of analysis and synthesis, which allows underlining the most characteristic attributes of scientific developments regarding trombone by diverse authors and producing general characterizations for investigative vectors of the series of modern explorers. The authors of represented article apply also comparative and systematic scientific methods, which allow correlating the received facts and implementing its systema-tization. The scientific novelty of this working consists in generalization of contemporary Ukrainian scientific material concerning little-investigated route of wind academic music performing practice, exactly trombone playing art. Revealing of not studied aspects of trombone performing in domestic wind scientific and research thought is also new. Conclu-sions. The concert-solo trombone playing arouses the most scientific interest among researchers. Trombonists’ ensem-ble creation is paid less investigative attention. Technological processes of trombone performing as well as functional peculiarity of key trombone artistic expressive possibilities arouse less scientific interesting among contemporary investi-gators. Studying technological processes of playing instrument with detecting particularity of sequence of trombone’s schools (domestic and foreign) as well as exploring definite artistic means of expressive palette of contemporary trom-bone compose the line of scientific high-priority directions regarding academic trombone performing.

Author Biographies

German Yushin, Dnipropetrovsk Glinka Music Academy

Teacher of the Orchestra Instruments chair,

Yaroslav Potapov, Dnipropetrovsk Glinka Music Academy

Teacher of the Orchestra Instruments chair


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