
  • Tetyana Byrkovych Kyiv University of Culture, Ukraine



intellectual property, sociocultural space, creativity, legislation, innovations


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the research is to analyse the transformations of intellectual property in the paradigm of the sociocultural development of a society. Methodology. The methodology of the research is based on general scientific and special methods (analytical, comparative- legal, systemic, attributive, procedural and cognitive). The author uses all of them to reproduce the intellectual potential of the society, which demands the improved permanent national appropriate regulation in the process of expanding its status from socioeconomic and legal state to sociocultural one. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the determination and appropriate researching of the intellectual property as the sociocultural phenomenon. Conclusions. The evolution of intellectual property in Ukraine led to its qualitative transformation at the end XX – the beginning of XXI centuries. We can explain it by the fact that the intellectual property has been formed as the self-sufficient specific scientific category. In addition, it has become the independent object of the scientific reflection with its branches. Moreover, it has entered the scientific space as well as the conceptual field of modern humanities researches. Therefore, it allows us to expand the understanding of the mul-tidimensional concept of the intellectual property as the socioculturalphenomenon.

Author Biography

Tetyana Byrkovych, Kyiv University of Culture

D. Sc. in Public Administration, Associate Professor Head of the Department of Public Administration and Law


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