The main directions of normative drafting activity of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine in the cultural heritage protection sphere


  • Tamara Mazur Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Ivan Myshchak Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ukraine



culture, Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, cultural heritage protection, law, normative and legal act.


Purpose of the article is to analyze the normative drafting activity of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, aimed at improving the legal support of cultural heritage protection in Ukraine; to formulate proposals to strengthen the legislative support of cultural heritage protection. Methodology. Methodological principles of research: historical method, which allowed to observe the genesis of the legal assistance of cultural heritage protection; methods of analysis and synthesis,its application assisted for judicial review of crucial normative acts, fordetectionofgapsinlegalregulation;forecastingmethod allowed to make proposals and suggest perspective directions and concrete norms for legislation improvement in the cultural heritage protection sphere. Scientific novelty. Attention was paid to the main normative acts in the cultural heritage protection sphere; for the first time the normative drafting activity of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine aimedatim proving the legal support of cultural heritage protectionin Ukraine in accordance with currentchallengesandthreatshasbeenanalyzed; ways of enhancing the legislative support of cultural heritage protection have been suggested. Conclusions. The analysis of the normative and legal assistance in the cultural heritage protection sphere testifies the need for its improvement by modern requirements and international obligations of our state. In addition to the necessary legislative update, the priority task of the Ministry of Culture, in cooperation with other bodies in the cultural heritage protection sphere, is the drafting of secondary legislation that will allow to eliminate legislation gaps, as well as clear instructions and methodological recommendations for the settlement of certain aspects of the memorials protectionactivity.

Author Biographies

Tamara Mazur, Ministry of Culture of Ukraine

Candidate of Legal Science, Deputy Minister of Culture of Ukraine

Ivan Myshchak, Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Doctor of History, Senior Researcher, Head of the Scientific and Organization Department


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