Regional agricultural club and problems of his further functioning


  • Sergiy Vitkalov Rivne State Humanitarian University, Ukraine



Western Polissya, club institutions, reform of local self-government, institutions of higher education, cultural and leisure field


The purpose of the article is to study the role of the modern club in the context of the reform of local self-government (on the example of Western Polissya). The methodology of the research is based on the use of some methods (cultural, analytical, comparative, content analysis) in identifying the role of club institutions in solving educational issues, organizing cultural and leisure activities of the population at the regional level. Scientific novelty is to find out the qualitative characteristics of the staffing of the club field, in particular its educational level, as well as to compare these data with the educational attributes of employees of other institutions (music or excellent art schools, art schools) of the culture field, clarifying the role of local authorities in finding ways to break out of the crisis and to establish contacts with regional educational institutions in ensuring the human resources potential of the industry during the reform of local self-government bodies. Conclusions. As a result of the study, the problems of the functioning of club institutions in the current conditions were revealed due to the lack of a transparent state cultural policy aimed at the attitude towards these institutions and, consequently, their weak material and technical base, and the lack of available professional education staff due to the lack of relevant institutions of higher education; organization of their activities at an incomplete rate, etc .; emphasized a number of negative aspects related to the lack of action coordination between higher education institutions, which have faculties (departments) in their structure, whose employees could take on the role of training specialists of the above direction and leaders of the culture field in the regions. It was emphasized some steps in this direction, aimed at improving the situation, recently launched by the Ministry of Culture ofUkraine.

Author Biography

Sergiy Vitkalov, Rivne State Humanitarian University

Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor


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