Socio-cultural sphere of Ukraine: the decentralization in the context of the implementation of the Strategy of the Sustainable Development


  • Yuliia Ivashkiv Vernadsky Taurida National University, Ukraine



socio-cultural sphere, decentralization, cultural institutions, regional community, administrative reform, Strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine


The purpose of the article is the issue of socio-cultural development of the communities in the context of the implementation of Ukraine's sustainable development strategy by the administrative reforms and the decentralization of power and budgetary authority among local communities. The methodology of the research applies the cultural-genetic, sociological, structural-system, historical-comparative methods to identify problematic issues of the decentralization in the sociocultural sphere of Ukraine. Scientific novelty consists in revealing the external socio-cultural and socio-psychological problems of the decentralization and ensuring the sustainable development of cultural institutions at the level of territorial communities. Conclusions. The preservation and development of the socio-cultural sphere of regional communities is the cornerstone problem for society as well as for the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, which is responsible for setting and monitoring the implementation of cultural services standard sando their strategic discourses under current conditions - to help people to study new powers.

Author Biography

Yuliia Ivashkiv, Vernadsky Taurida National University

Ph.D. in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Management, Economics and Environmental Sciences Department


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