
  • Ihor Kushnarоv V. M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



Great Britain, political culture, corruption, axiosphere, anti-corruption values


Purpose of research. The purpose of the article is to investigate the features of the British axiosphere as an example of public attitudes to political and other forms of corruption. Methodology. The research methodology is the neo-institutional analysis that considers corruption as a destructive informal institution with a devastating effect on the stability of the state. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty lies in the author’s original analysis of the problem of the lack of "zero tolerance" for corruption among the British people, who continue to tolerate it, as well as of the corruption pragmatism of the policy makers. Conclusions. The article states that, despite significant progress in combating all forms of corruption, a peculiar value confrontation of the “anti-culture of corruption” against the “culture of anti-corruption” is characteristic for the Great Britain. It is proved that, despite a large number of strategies, concepts, doctrines etc., a successful anti-corruption policy is impossible without fundamental changes in the social and individual consciousness, significant positive adjustments in norms, rules, and behavior of all kinds of political actors. It is argued that the modern British anti-corruption policy matrix, in order to be effective, should base the fight against corruption not only on the institutional mechanism, but also on formation of a high level of anti-corruption culture among the public, which should become the basis for building the whole system of corruption practicescounteraction.

Author Biography

Ihor Kushnarоv, V. M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

PhD in Law, postdoctoral student of the Legal Problems of Political Science Department


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