Formation of professional competence of a specialist of tourism in the search for a new paradigm in the socio-cultural environment


  • Khrystyna Pletsan International Tourism Kyiv National University culture and arts, Ukraine



socio-cultural environment, sphere of tourism, innovative methods, interactive technologies, tourist broker, professional competence.


The purpose of the publication is scientific and practical comprehension and substantiation of the effective formation of professional competences of the tourist broker in the socio-cultural environment. Methodology of the work is based on general scientific principles of research – terminological and system. The purpose and tasks of the publication caused the application of such research methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization, which made it possibletoanalysis,synthesis,generalization.Inordertosolvethesettasksintheprocessofresearch,acomplexof interrelated methods was used, namely: comparative – to form the empirical basis of the research on the basis of analysis of domestic and foreign sources, comparing the experience of individual countries, identifying the problems and needs of forming professional competencies of a specialist; analysis – during the study of the state of the problem under investigation, the definition of object, subject, tasks, individual terms of the conceptual categorical apparatus, legislative and normative base on the topic of research to identify the conceptual foundations of the formation of professional competences; synthesis, modeling – in the process of constructing structural-functional models. The expert estimation method was used to clarify the conclusions of the research problem and to identify the professional opinion about the essence of the formation of professional competencies of specialists. The scientific novelty of the work is to consists in theoretical and practical substantiation of the formation of professional competencies of a specialist of tourism in the search for a new paradigm in the socio-cultural environment, the isolation and argumentation of innovative techniques and interactive technologies. Conclusion. In the article it is proved that the process of forming professional competencies of a specialist of tourism in the search for a new paradigm in the socio-cultural environment is expedient to implement through the prism of innovative techniques and interactive technologies. It is substantiated that the introduction of a competent and personally oriented approach in the learning process will contribute to the achievement of a high level of development of the professional, intellectual, creative and moral potential of future specialists of tourism in the socio-cultural environment that are able to adapt to a fast-moving marketeconomy.

Author Biography

Khrystyna Pletsan, International Tourism Kyiv National University culture and arts

Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department


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