The problem of understanding the concept of Andre Malraux's "Imaginary museum"


  • Serhii Rudenko Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



Malraux, a museum without walls, imaginary museum, museum craft, museum art, the technology of museum craft, the identity of the museum.


Purpose of the article. To find out the central issue of Malraux's "Imaginary museum". Methodology. Historiographical analysis. Scientific novelty. This research overcomes stereotypes in interpretation of Malraux's "Imaginary museum". It isn't metaphysic opus of eccentric writer. It is serious conceptualization of museum craft. Conclusions. Bazin, Krauss and other researchers don't understand completely, what Malraux's "Imaginary museum" means. Malraux wanted to approve his opinion on history of art. For this he decided to change museum representation of art history. The side effect of this investigation – successful technology of museum craft. It's also a side effect of his writer talent. That is why Malraux "miss" his invention in this museum field. Because, museum craft is organically to Malraux. Unfortunately, Malraux had not suggested the scientific theory of museum craft, but further scientific research of his technology necessary to create thistheory.

Author Biography

Serhii Rudenko, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Phd in Cultural Sciences (Cultural Anthropology), Doctor’s Degree applicant,


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