Globalization and transculturation in musical culture of the XX-XXI centuries


  • Anastasiya Tormakhova Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine



globalization, transcultural, musical culture, ethnic music


The purpose of the article is to analyze the impact of globalization on the specifics of the development of the musical culture of the XX-XXI centuries and to highlight the manifestations of transculturalism, which is a promising paradigm, aimed at the interaction of cultures. The research methodology is connected with the use of culturological and analytical methods. This approach allows us to reveal the specifics of globalization and to analyze the main factors characterizing the musical culture of our time. The scientific novelty consists in explaining the essential features of transculturalism in the musical art in the domestic scientific thought. It is noted that the approach based not on globalization, but on the transculturalism, is perspective for the development of musical culture. The practical embodiment of the transcultural paradigm is advocates equality of cultures. Conclusions. Development of globalization leads to the unification of the musical language and the creation of a tendency to bring culture to a particular "standard" which will develop in the framework of pop music. But a paradigm aimed at the search for interaction between cultures – transculturalism is emerging. Accordingly, within it, conditions arise for the appearance of phenomena of a single, rather than general, order. Their eccentricity and the difference from the established "standard" attract attention to ethnic originality, combined with certain norms of the chosen styledirection.

Author Biography

Anastasiya Tormakhova, Taras Shevchenko National University

Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Ethics, Aesthetics, and Culture Department


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