Theoretical aspects of identity research in virtual communities


  • Julia Trach Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



virtual communities, identity, social groups, communication


The purpose of the article is to generalize theoretical findings on the study of identity as a sign of a group structure in virtual communities. The methodology is based on an approach developed within the framework of postpositivism, whose goal is to create tactics for research into the development of technical objects, which allows us to study the mechanisms of the development of technology as a result of the interaction of social groups. The scientific novelty lies in the generalization of foreign scientific developments on identity problems in the Internet space. Conclusions. Despite the availability of scientific developments on the problem of identity on the Internet, it is generally necessary to recognize the undeveloped nature of this issue. This is due to the terminological uncertainty of the concept of network identity, as well as the formation of two areas that advocate opposing theses on mergers and splits of identity in virtual communities. However, the study of identity formation processes is necessary as a way to search for additional arguments, which confirms that the processes of differentiation in the network are not only objective but also subjective. Despite the fact that the dominant factors of segmentation of virtual space lie in the plane of the objectivistic paradigm, without understanding the processes of identity formation, virtual communities can be considered as abstract statistical categories.

Author Biography

Julia Trach, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


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