Cultural landscape – object of tourism interest


  • Nataliіa Bulgakova Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



cultural landscape, cultural tourism, tourist interest, cultural and historical heritage


The purpose of the article is to characterize and reveal the significance of cultural landscapes as objects of tourist interest, to justify the necessity of their preservation. The methodology of the research is based on an interdisciplinary combination of methodological tools of cultural studies, monument studies, study of local lore, ethnological landscape studies based on general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization. Scientific novelty. The necessity of preserving cultural landscapes as objects of tourist interest and an important component of cultural heritage is grounded. Conclusions. Cultural tourism plays not only an important role in the presentation of the culture of the country, but also contributes to attracting the attention of government officials both at the state and local levels to the problems of preserving the national cultural heritage, bringing it into the appropriate state with a view to obtaining a worthy place in the treasury of the World Cultural Heritage. The object of increased tourist interest is the cultural landscape, since in fact, in its geographic and territorial limits, most of the destinations attractive for tourists are created thanks to the presence of unique, including natural, tourist and recreational resources, in fact around or on the basis of which the corresponding tourist infrastructure develops.

Author Biography

Nataliіa Bulgakova, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

lecturer of the Department of International Tourism


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