The communicative potential of international tourism: cultural integration and identification


  • Serhii Krasovskyi assistant to the chair of hotel and restaurant business, Ukraine



international tourism, tourist, communication, integration, culture, Identity


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the article is to analyse the peculiarities of the communicative potential of the international tourism in the context of its ability to influence the processes of cultural integration and identification. Methodology. The methodology of the research is based on the interdisciplinary combination of methodological tools of cultural studies, sociology, psychology, communicative sciences. In addition, the author uses various methods such as analysis, synthesis, interpretation, etc. Scientific Novelty. Theinternational tourism influence on the processes of cultural integration and formation of identity in conditions of cross-cultural interaction are analysed. Conclusions. Contacting and comparing with the representatives of the other sociocultural systems, a tourist finds out their features, characteristics of their mentality, the peculiarities of everyday life. So, the tourist gets new knowledge about other nations and study his own cultural and social nature. Thus, the individual forms his/her identity by the interaction with other people, based on his/her mentality and life experience. In addition, the international tourism, which has the ability to change both social and cultural priorities, virtually forms the "Homo Viator's " skills to reconcile interests with the representatives of other cultures by the involving in the consolidated activities of various processes. The latter becomes an effective instrument to resolve conflicts and a pledge of peaceful coexistence and interaction of various cultural worlds that develop a global informational civilizationtogether.

Author Biography

Serhii Krasovskyi, assistant to the chair of hotel and restaurant business

Kiev National University of Culture and Arts



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