Methods and principles of interior organization of modern trade entertainment complexes


  • Oleg Sleptsov Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine
  • Soltani Ali Alimadd Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine



Shopping and entertainment complexes, Interior Design, system modeling, national traditions, modern tendencies


Purpose of the research. The article considers the main principles and methods of the interior design organization of modern shopping and entertainment complexes, malls, markets, passages. Methodology. In this work, the comparative analysis of interior design means of trading accommodations of the different countries is given. Scientific novelty. National features of Iranian architecture, borrowed for the interior design of modern commercial accommodations are revealed. Conclusions. Shopping and entertainment complexes that have become very popular in the US are gradually being built around the world. However, each country has its specifics for the creation and development of such buildings. There is a need to take into account local, national traditions of architectural shaping and combine them with ultra-modern technologies of shopping and entertainment complexes in the countries of the East. With a relatively standard external three-dimensional solution, interior decoration is often made with the influence of national traditions and features of thecountry.


Author Biographies

Oleg Sleptsov, Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Head of the Chair of Architecture and Architectural Design

Soltani Ali Alimadd, Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture

Ph.D. student


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