Romantic ballets of Petro Chaikovskiy in a representation of Valeriy Kovtun


  • Olha Bilash Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



Valeriy Kovtun, Ukrainian ballet theatre, Petro Chaikovskiy, compositional features of Ukrainian ballet.


The purpose of the article is to analyze Valeriy Kovtun's work with famous ballets of Chaikovskiy "Sleeping Beauty", "Nutcracker", "Swan lake". Interest to the national ballet heritage, intensified studying of the historical past of national ballet theatre causes the relevance of the scientific research. The methodology of the work involves the use of such cultural science methods as a general-historical method (selection and analysis of material), comparative-historical method (the study of the subject of the article in its various manifestations), analytical method (logical systematization of facts), biographical method (analysis of the way of life). The scientific novelty of the publication is in the demonstration of artistic and compositional features of ballets, made by Valeriy Kovtun on the music of Petro Chaikovskiy. Conclusions. Among all of the artistic and compositional features of choreographic editions of Valeriy Kovtun, we should face preserving the original dancing scores of Petish, and separate performances made by predecessors. In drama escalation of the conflict of good and evil, usage of a largeranchofmasculinedance,thecompositionalharmonyofensembles,emotionallyfullantagonists.

Author Biography

Olha Bilash, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine Associate Professor of the Folk and Classical ChoreographyDepartment


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