
  • Tetiana Kaznacheieva A. V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy, Ukraine




a dance, an opera, a great dance form, drama of the opera, the polonaise, the krakowiak, the waltz, the mazurka.


The purpose of the work. The article considers the influence of the dance genres on the formation of the basis of the dramatic contrast of an opera composition. The study of the musical and dramatic principles of the opera "Ivan Susanin" by M. Glinka, which develops a historical theme in the opera genre, allows us to analyze a number of issues directly related to this problem. The methodology. Methods of system, historical and theoretical analysis have been applied, making it possible to highlight the specifics of a great dance form in the context of the drama of the opera work. The scientific novelty of the research consists in expanding an integral subject-methodological basis for analyzing the features of the embodiment of the dance genres in opera through the application of the concept of a great dance form. Conclusions. The analyzed dance episodes of the opera "Ivan Susanin" by M. Glinka allow us to state that a great dance form is the basis of the dramatic conflict of the opera. The model of the dramatic function of a dance, used to characterize the images of action and counteraction, justifies the direct connection of the dance genres with the drama of the opera and their undoubted in fluence on the formation of the general concept of the multifaceted unity of the work.

Author Biography

Tetiana Kaznacheieva, A. V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy

PhD in Arts, assistant professor the Department of Common and Specialized Piano


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