Holiday as a social and artistic phenomenon: the experience of working out the problem


  • Vasyl Romanchyshyn National Academy of Government Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



holiday, feast, ritual, game.


Purpose of the article: the systematization of existing works, the comprehension of the cultural and historical dynamics of the phenomenon of mass holidays in the context of the issue of the integrity of the holiday as a cultural phenomenon, consideration of the essential content, structure and functional components of the holiday as a mass action. Methodology: general scientific principles of systematization and generalization of the problem under study. The work uses the works of foreign and Ukrainian researchers, which analyze the general theoretical and methodological issues of the essence of the mass holiday. An interdisciplinary approach, which provides a comprehensive analysis of the stated problem with the broad involvement of scientific works on cultural studies, history of culture, aesthetics, as well as the sociology of culture, plays a significant role in understanding the phenomenon of "holiday." The historical-cultural method made it possible to follow the tendencies of the development of the holiday as a mass action. The structural-functional method is used to clarify the role and functions of the holiday in different historical epochs, including in modern culture. The sophisticated approach is determined by the research topic: of the need to systematize existing works on the phenomenon of the holiday. Scientific novelty of research is to understand the phenomenon of mass holidays from the modern theoretical positions. Conclusions. The holidays retain their heuristic influence in modern studies, especially as regards the understanding of the cultural, anthropological and social foundations of the holiday and its functional range as a phenomenon of cultural existence of man. The holiday is an ideal world, a model of outlook and worldview of both a particular individual and society in general, because the potential of the holiday in the cultural life of man is multidimensional: it is a source of renewal of physical forces, that is, it has a recreational function, helps to understand the essence of being and time, harmonize life, contributes to creating an atmosphere of friendlycommunication.

Author Biography

Vasyl Romanchyshyn, National Academy of Government Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

Professor of the Stageand Audiovisual Art Department


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