STEM-approach: interpretation in design education


  • Michael Tsyvin Institute of Advertising, Ukraine



STEM-approach, design education


The purpose of the article is to define the subject field of the STEM-approach in design education. Methodology. A comparative method is used to compare the "artistic" paradigm of design education and its understanding as an artistic and technical design taking into account scientifically sound engineering practice. Scientific novelty. The conducted research develops scientific approaches to the conceptual understanding of design education, and consequently – to the modeling of the educational design training program, which differs from those used at the present stage. The interpretations in the design education of the main concepts of the STEM-approach are substantiated, and the methodological suitability of its application in the design education of Ukraine is proved. Conclusions. The proposal of the STEM-approach as innovative at all levels of educational practice is relevant for overcoming certain scientific and educational contradictions associated with the dominance of the "artistic" paradigm in the training of designers. The basic concepts proposed in the STEM-approach, such as engineering, science, technology, mathematics, are at the conceptual level grounded in system scientific research of domestic scientists and can serve as a theoretical and methodological basis for further development of the STEM-approach in design-educationpractice.

Author Biography

Michael Tsyvin, Institute of Advertising

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Design Department


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