Conversational genre on the stage: the phenomenon of M. Zhvanetsky


  • Oleksii Starshoi Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



M. Zhvanetsky, conversational genre on stage, satire, standup, author


The purpose of the article is to analyze the main steps of creation and outline the prospects of the art research in the creative way of M. Zhvanetsky. The methodology of the study is based on an interdisciplinary combination of art criticism and bibliographic approaches. General scientific methods of analysis, descriptiveness and underneath are used. Scientific novelty. Publication is the first attempt to analyze the work of M. Zhvanetsky in Ukrainian art history. Conclusions. M. Zhvanetsky is a vivid representative of the conversational genre on the stage for more than half a century, and, unfortunately, little attention has been devoted to the study of his work. Today M. Zhvanetsky can be considered not only a classic of the typical genre on the stage, in particular, speaking but also a master of standup-comedy. And all of this is due to the wit of statements, the acuteness and paradox of worldview, observation, profound insight and the wisdom of life of their author. The main secret of his creative laboratory in improvisation and live dialogue with theviewer.

Author Biography

Oleksii Starshoi, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts



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