Reception "perola barocca" (amazing pearl) in the modern artistic space of Ukraine


  • Tatyana Gumenyuk Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • Tatyana Krivosheya National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P.I.Tchaikovsky, Ukraine



Baroque reception, “perola barocca”, gap, modern art practice, cultural and art project, modern opera, musical and theatrical performance.


The purpose of the article is to consider contemporary Baroque receptions in Ukrainian artistic practices in the interconnection and intersection of cultures of different epochs. One of the options for such a connection of cultures is the reception. The methodology of the research consists of theoretical and interpretive models of analysis, the method of modeling the world-view characteristics of baroque sensuality in modern receptions (theoretical and cultural). The scientific novelty consists in the consideration of the project activity "Open Opera Ukraine" (performance "Didon and Aeneas" G. Purcell), in the disclosure of the relevance of baroque receptions in the modern process of growth. For the modern reconstruction of the composer's conception and baroque stage aesthetics, the authors of the project used the method of historically informed performance. The aesthetic-educational and ethical functions in this project are inseparable. The comprehension of a genius musical work, uniquely combined with the word about him, strengthens his essence as an amazing pearl - "perola barocca". Conclusions. The reception of the culture of the "golden aura" of the great epochs (Baroque) contributes to the restoration of cultural identity, warns against multicultural fragmentation, creates conditions for the establishment of links between cultural epochs. Art is a definite space in the holistic field of culture. Some of its species interact with the sociocultural environment. As a holistic system, they are historically volatile, evolving under the influence of various cultural and historical factors. The development and dissemination of modern information technologies not only brings to life new kinds and genres of art but also directly influences the process of creation and implementation of works of art, the nature of their perception by a wide audience. Awareness of the fact that modern man loses integrity, the traditional forms of art are destroyed and encourages us to turn to the baroque culture. Baroque aesthetics reminiscently turns into one of the main markers of mass culture.

Author Biographies

Tatyana Gumenyuk, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Methodical Work

Tatyana Krivosheya, National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P.I.Tchaikovsky

doctor of cultural studies, acting Professor


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