Symbolics of negation in the Ukrainian linguoculture
symbol, negation, linguoculture, idiom, concept.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to identify symbols that specialize in traditional Ukrainian linguistic culture on the realization of negative meanings, to find out their origin and functional potential. The methodology is based on the application of an interdisciplinary approach to the study of Ukrainian phraseology and folk rituals. In addition to general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, a cultural-genetic method was used, as well as linguistic methods: descriptive, methods of functional analysis and conceptual-ideographic analysis. The scientific novelty of the research consists in identifying the symbolic designations of negative content, substantiating their prescription and relevance in modern communication. Conclusions. The article proves that symbols of negative meanings are a considerable and integral part of human communication. The research has shown that in Ukrainian linguistic culture the symbolism of negation is based mainly on the pagan ideas of the ancient Slavs, their faith in the power of nature. At the same time, the symbolism of the negation is inscribed in the global context, since its formation was significantly influenced by Christianity and the traditions of European culture. All this contributed to the ambiguity and ambivalence of certain characters.
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