World Ukraine heritage as a social system


  • Vladimir Troschinsky National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Vasily Kupriichuk National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Ukraine



world Ukrainian heritage, social system, ethnicity, ethnic identity, national identity, Ukrainian diaspora.


The purpose of the article is to make a scientific analysis of world Ukrainian society as a social system, first of all, its structure, which reflects the nature and features of Ukrainian presence in the modern world. Methodology. To realize the purpose of the study, methods were used: historical (to find out the peculiarities of the development of world Ukraine heritage in time and spread); structural-functional (for the disclosure of the structure of world Ukrainian heritage and the functions of its elements in the implementation of identification practices by different segments of Ukrainian society); comparative (for revealing and correlation of levels of preservation of ethnic identity with each of the main elements of the structure of world Ukrainian heritage); systematic (for the analysis of world Ukrainian heritage as a complex, ordered integrated system consisting of several subsystems that differ in geographical location and levels of preservation of ethnic identity, but have a single ethnic nature and common socio-cultural standards). The novelty of the results obtained is that this study is one of the first attempts to present a scientific picture of world Ukrainian heritage as a social system, to characterize its structure from the point of view of the geographical location of its subsystems and levels of preservation of their Ukrainian identity. Conclusions Despite its structural complexity, the worldly Ukrainians have significant differences in the levels of ethnic self-identification, as well as in traditions and culture between different territorial branches of the Ukrainian ethnic group, social origin, status, education and value orientations of its representatives, is a fairly balanced and integral social system that finds , in particular, their reflection in certain unifying interests, aspirations and internal consolidation of Ukrainians in Ukraine and Ukrainians in the diaspora.

Author Biographies

Vladimir Troschinsky, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

Doctor of History, Professor, Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Policy

Vasily Kupriichuk, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

PhD in public administration, associate professor, professor at the Department of Social and Humanitarian Policy


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