Copyright for works of art in the information and network space of the present time


  • Galina Mular Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism, Ukraine
  • Olexiy Khovpun Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism, Ukraine



work of art, digital space, information space, network environment, author, copyright.


The purpose of the article is to carry out a comprehensive study of the problems of the implementation of copyright in works of art in digital socio-cultural space, the development of the mechanism of public and legal protection of copyright objects on the Internet. The methodology of the research is based on the concepts and theoretical conclusions in the field of philosophy, cultural studies, art history, and jurisprudence. The scientific novelty of the article is that in this paper, for the first time, the mechanism of legal protection of copyrights for works of art, taking into account the development of electronic resources of Ukraine, in the sphere of digital technologies and modern socio-cultural space is being explored. Conclusions. The civil-law mechanism for the protection of copyright on the Internet is a complex of legal, technical and socio-cultural measures taken to protect the subjective rights and the rights protected by the law of the interests of copyright holders of all types of works of art, recorded in digital form and placed on the Internet. In today's conditions of the formation of a global Internet space, the possibility of using artwork ceases to depend on the personality of his author, which requires the regulation of copyright for reproduction. The legal status of the author of a work of art is determined by the aggregate of personal non-property and property rights. Each of the author's powers regarding the chosen object of legal protection - a work of art - is characterized by peculiarities of its realization.

Author Biographies

Galina Mular, Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism

Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Process and Criminalistics

Olexiy Khovpun, Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism

Ph.D., Head of the Department of Criminal Law, Process and Criminalistics


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