Cultural diplomacy in countering hybrid threats


  • Valentyn Petrov Secretariat of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Ukraine



cultural diplomacy, public diplomacy, strategic communications, soft power, Ukrainian Institute


Purpose of the article is to identify cultural diplomacy as a tool of countering hybrid threats in the context of state strategic communications. International conflicts and disputes are furthermore solved by nonmilitary means. It attracts more attention to various soft power tools. The methodology of research includes general scientific approaches such as analysis, synthesis, comparative approach, studying official documents. Scientific novelty is the determination of cultural diplomacy as an integral part of public diplomacy that is one of the key elements of state strategic communications that are aimed at the promotion of its national interests. Conclusions. In fact, cultural diplomacy is a soft power tool and has to facilitate traditional diplomacy efforts. Especially actual it becomes in the situation of hybrid aggression against Ukraine. A great step in the practical implementation of such a mechanism is an establishment of appropriate structures in the system of Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine such as Public diplomacy division and the Ukrainian institute under MFA.

Author Biography

Valentyn Petrov, Secretariat of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

Philosophiæ Doctor (political sciences), head of informational security department


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