Archetypical Cultural Symbols and the Formation of the Cultural Identity of Canadian Ukrainians: Problem Statement


  • Volodymyr Pylypiv Kiev University of Culture, Ukraine



culture, identification, symbol, archetype, art, food, language.


The aim of the study is to analyze the place and role of archetypical cultural symbols in the formation of the cultural identity of Canadian Ukrainians. Methodology. The authors have used the descriptive, hermeneutic, cultural-historical, and integrative approaches. The scientific novelty is to attempt to substantiate the significance and outline the main objectives of the study of archetypal cultural symbols that influence the formation of the cultural identity of Ukrainian Canadians. Conclusions. Synoptic primary cultural symbols are archetypal symbols. As a meaning-creative existential-symbolic phenomenon deeply rooted in the unconscious of a particular community, they give meaning and purpose to all elements of culture. They contribute to the decoding of the plurality of cultural meanings and its unique experience “translating” the archetype into the language of culture. It is necessary to interact with archetypical symbols not only in the synchronous but also in the diachronic aspect taking into account the nuances of information transmission from one generation to another. Quite often, archetypical symbols act as mediators in the intergenerational space optimizing the dialogue of representatives of various generations. Archetypical cultural symbols contribute greatly to the process of national identification, being at the same time one of the ways of understanding and interpreting the surrounding world. For Canadian Ukrainians, they are embodied in the national food, artwork, and mother tongue. Due to these symbols, Ukrainians realize their belonging to a certain national and cultural group, their purpose in the world, as well as form their own life strategies.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Pylypiv, Kiev University of Culture

Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Rector


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