Musical anthropology and its perspectives in modern humanitarian studies


  • Lyubov Kyyanovskа Lviv National M. Lysenko Musical Academy, Ukraine



musical anthropology, musical sociology, musical pedagogy, comparative musicology, ethnomusicology


Purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to present the individual perspectives of one of the most promising innovative humanitarian studies of the interdisciplinary level - musical anthropology. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of analytical, historical, cultural and comparative methods, which reveal various aspects of musical anthropology, expose its connection with other humanitarian disciplines and specifics in the research field of musicology. Scientific novelty of the review is to highlight the historical foundations and origins of musical anthropology in foreign and Ukrainian literature, to clarify the definition of the concept of musical anthropology, and for the first time, it outlines possible perspectives for its application in Ukrainian musical science. Conclusion. Understanding and deeper insight into the anthropological concepts of musical art and possibilities of their practical application, into the sensitive response of musical artifacts to the varied changes both in the historical past and in the modern socio-cultural environment, has not only purely speculative theoretical meaning. It is aimed at developing successful strategies of musical activity in the independent Ukrainian state and at the decent representation of national culture in the world.

Author Biography

Lyubov Kyyanovskа, Lviv National M. Lysenko Musical Academy

Doctor of Arts, Professor, Head of Music History Department


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