Artistic synthesis in architectural form, from the totalitarian to indifferent


  • Oleksii Rohotchenko Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Ukraine



style, architecture, synthesis, socialist realism, ideology, totalitarianism


The purpose of the article is to study the problems of styles and styles, which led to the unification and merging of independent trends in the fine arts and architecture of the period of origin and the formation of socialist realism.  Scientific novelty. Features of the emergence and development of the synthesis of arts in the USSR and its largest republic – Ukraine still remains unexplored. In the author's proposed interpretation of the synthesis of arts of the "Soviet model" criterion of the holistic perception of the stylistic unity of paintings, sculptural and architectural works is the totalitarian dependence of the artist from the hostile society. According to the author's version, the perception of architectural problems in Ukraine in the given period is considered in the arts, political and economic area and proves the crime of the ideology of totalitarianism. The methodology of the research of the declared theme is to combine art studies and historical intelligence. In accordance with the set tasks in the article applied research methods, complementary cultural, historical, art-study aspects. Chronological analysis and synthesis, comparative, biographical and cross-cultural methods were also used. Scientific novelty consists of highlighting and studying little-known facts, which confirm the author's doctrine concerning the distortion of the concept in the Soviet society of a concept as a synthesis of art. The association of fine arts with architecture was perceived more predominantly from the point of view of the works of Soviet ideologues, historians, art historians. The question of the indifference and lack of resistance in the conditions of a totalitarian cultural dictatorship concerning the interrelation of spatial arts and architecture at the angle of culturological interpretation was not considered at all. Conclusions. The analysis of architectural styles, their tasks, ways of development, the definition of the role of a person in the work (painting, sculptural, architectural), the influence of society and its dependence, comparing the current time with the events seventy years ago – is the way of true revival. The result of this work was an attempt to understand, study and make correct conclusions about the phenomenon of the synthesis of Ukrainian art and architecture of pre-war years. The only answer to the questions can be only solid cultural and artistic intelligence that will reveal the truth about the little-studied period of Ukrainian culture.

Author Biography

Oleksii Rohotchenko, Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

Senior Researcher Scientific, Doctor of Science in Art chief scientific officer


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