Digital Characteristics of the Transformation of Musical Culture by the End of the XX - the Beginning of the XXI Century


  • Olexander Yakovlev National Academy of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



musical culture, cultural space, the digital revolution, information society, network space


The purpose of the article is to determine the main vectors of sociocultural changes occurring in modern musical culture under the technical influence of the digital revolution. The methodology is based on the fact that this work has a pronounced interdisciplinary character, using the tools of modern culturology, economics, art history, and sociology. The scientific novelty of the article is to focus not only on the artistic processes, specific practices of musical life but also on the actual properties of the media space in which they exist. The study of the new media environment - the Internet, technical communicative capabilities that provided by the digital era in conjunction with the musical culture, is becoming one of the central principles of this study. Conclusions. It is a combination of personal choices of all participants in a musical life that ultimately determines the proportional ratio of all segments of the musical space, which develop according to different scenarios, and, accordingly, the overall result of the digital revolution in the world of musical culture. Today, when, thanks to the achievements of the digital revolution, most sociocultural tasks are being solved more successfully in the network space, new perspectives and potential directions of development are opening up for society, for the modern “informational” civilization. The same potential paths of development are proposed for the space of musical culture: the way of “curtailing” the network “freedom”, strengthening the control and hierarchical regulation of art; the path of complete chaos, network "anarchy" and irresponsibility; a movement in the direction of the potential to become a planetary global civil society that is rooted in the digital network, but is able to actively, responsibly and creatively produce, interpret and assimilate the products of the musical artistic environment.

Author Biography

Olexander Yakovlev, National Academy of Culture and Arts

doctor of cultural studies, associate professor, professor of the department of art history expertise


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