Universality to creative activity of P.Hindemith


  • Viktor Bаtаnоv Pedagogical university in Hanchzhou, China




universality of creative activity, style of the thinking, style in music, system Leonardo da Vinci, conceptual art


The Purpose of the article given work there is realizations to the universality of P.Hindemith in context of non-racionalistic trend to cultural orientation to the most Latest history, which has selected as far back as end XIX ct. P.Valéry as "system Leonardo da Vinchi", swept away phenomenal association scientific and artistic thinking, which in principal differed at New time. Accordingly, contributed correction in the musicogy description of the works of Hindemith, in which classical mimesis of european artistic thinking finely intertwined with high abstraction mathematically-astronomical importances. Methdological base of the work is intonation approach of the school B.Asafiev in Ukraine with inherent him linguistics- culturology aspect of the interpretation musicology method, with handhold on analyst-structured principle and handhold on comparative stylistic features, hermeneutics-interpretation forshortening of the music semiotics " intonation dictionary of the epoch" on Asafiev and further developments in work A.Sokol, E. Markova and others. Scientific novelty of the work by deterministic originality of the approach from concept "systems Leonardo da Vinci" to cоnkrеtеness of the works of Hindemith, for the first time in Ukrainian musicology is realized analysis of the row of the making the composer, as well as his  Sonata for contrabass of the with position,  declared "systems". Conclusions. Made analysis of the works of  Hindemith finds the projection on music senses-structures new universality to composer personalities: theoretical completeness total creative product has given author original defines the line conceptual art in his total works. This characteristic implantationess in artistic structure of abstraction allegorical of mystery ideas most brightly comes to light in opera "Harmony of the world" and in diffusion type is presented as introduction in artistic product of the "primitinism block" - in  contrabass Sonata. New universality of music expressiveness beside P. Hindemith translates the theatrical creative activity and theatrical type of expressions in the instrumental composition in a plan outside of-passionate allegorical character and manifest didactics in opera and didactic orientation "serious play" in instrumental creative activity.

Author Biography

Viktor Bаtаnоv, Pedagogical university in Hanchzhou

the candidate of arts according elder teacher


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