Vocal Culture of Music Art Teachers: integration of the experience of China and Ukraine


  • Limin Wei National Pedagogical University named after M. Dragomanov,




musical art, vocal culture, vocal performance, teacher of musical art, national traditions


The purpose of the study is to provide theoretical substantiation of the methods of forming the vocal culture of future teachers of musical art, taking into account Ukrainian and Chinese traditions. Research methodology. To achieve the purpose of the research, a set of theoretical and empirical methods is used: analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, methodological and art studies, normative documents, as well as practical experience of teachers of higher musical pedagogical institutions in order to determine the level of theoretical and practical solving of research intelligence problems. The scientific novelty of the article is that for the first time the essence and methods of forming the vocal culture of the teacher of musical art have been analyzed on the basis of integration of traditions and creative practices of China and Ukraine. Conclusions. Mutually enriching the cultural ties of different peoples of the world makes it possible to develop the art of singing more effectively, which is its ability to ensure the harmony of intellectual, emotional development of the individual; to promote improvement of all its essential forces, qualities and various abilities, processes of thinking and creative activity, growth of internal potential; to develop her cognitive and creative activity, emotional sensitivity, aesthetic needs and tastes; to stimulate the aspiration for self-perfection. Vocal culture is based on the best unique traditions of national performing skill, the mastery of which allows it to transfer it to the conditions of singing students' training and laying the foundations of their vocal culture. One of the most important criteria for the formation of vocal culture is determined by the degree of formation of a positive emotional and motivational attitude towards singing and the degree of the formation of professional knowledge and the ability to operate vocal techniques (artistic erudition, knowledge of cultural and vocal, in particular, national traditions).

Author Biography

Limin Wei, National Pedagogical University named after M. Dragomanov

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Musical Education Methods, Choral Speech and Direction


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