
  • Tetiana Kaznacheieva А. V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy, Ukraine



archaic dance, initial magical ritual, music and dance performance, syncretism, social and cultural function of dance.


The purpose of the article is to consider genesis and specific peculiarities of certain traditions of the archaic and ethnic dance forms, which have survived till the present. Scientific interpretation of the specific internal connections between different constituents of song-dance genres and mass ritual performances allows to ascertain prerequisites of formation of music and dance professionalism within them. The methodology. Historical and culturological, comparative and analytical methods have been applied to characterize archaic public song-music-dance forms, which in conjunction with various ritual tendencies anticipate the origin of phenomenon of music and theatre performance. The scientific novelty of the work lies in understanding of the problems of preserving certain archaic dance forms in modern household, ritual traditions of various peoples as a unique phenomenon of spiritual culture, implementing continuous connection of times and preservation of deep ethnic traditions. Conclusions. Consideration of different forms of archaic dance, which have survived till the present in different genres and manifestations, allows to characterize their as a unique means of human self-knowledge and self-expression. Music, mimics, gesture and dance movements are the only elements of stage adaption of initial magical ritual. Moreover, many forms of archaic dance continue to realize esthetic and even social and cultural function despite the processes of globalization in modern world culture.

Author Biography

Tetiana Kaznacheieva, А. V. Nezhdanova Odessa State Musical Academy

PhD in Arts, assistant professor
Department of Common and Specialized Piano


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