«The Concert» (in memory of Mykola Leontovych) by V. Stepurko as the implementation of the memorial-neo-religious pattern of Ukrainian choral concert


  • Yana Kyrylenko Dnipropetrovsk music academy after Mikhail Glinka, Ukraine




The Ukrainian choral concert, the memorial-neo-religious model, the concert-choral style, the concert-choral constituent, the choral frescoes


The purpose of the article. In the current research the memorial-neo-religious model of Ukrainian choral concert as its genre-style variation is examined on the sample of the most representative composition, typified it – the choral concert by V. Stepurko «The Concert» (in memory of Mykola Leontovych). The methodology of the research is based on the combination of dialectical, analytical, comparative, structurally-functional methods, required for comparison of the genre models of the choral concert and characteristic of its individual composing and performing modifications. The scientific novelty is that firstly in Ukrainian science the memorial-neo-religious model of Ukrainian modern choral concert distinguished, the peculiarities are performed on the sample of V. Stepurko «The Concert» (in memory of Mykola Leontovych). The conclusions. In «The Concert» (in memory of Mykola Leontovych) by V. Stepurko the neo-religious constituent is based on the cyclical choral concert model of the second half of the 18th century and the memorial-neo-religious model itself is interpreted in the lyrical source. In the composition, the poly-parametrization of the concert-choral dialogue is revealed, adjoined with stylization. The chosen texts, based on the fragments of The Psalter Book and The Ecclesiastes Book, are combined with the common repentance theme (the first and the second parts), in the third part, the homiletic constituent is dominated. The dramatically national proem, coming from M. Leontovych, makes «The Concert» by V. Stepurko demanded in the modern choral practice where the spiritual-memorial repertoire direction is one of the most remarkable.

Author Biography

Yana Kyrylenko, Dnipropetrovsk music academy after Mikhail Glinka

Ph.D. in Arts, Associate Professor of the Vocal and Choral Art and Musicology Department


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