Myroslav Skoryk’s Phenomenon in the Light of Ideas of the Creative Universalism


  • Olha Komenda Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine



creative activity, creative universalism, activity model of creative personality, creative and life-biographical scenarios.


Purpose of Article. The purpose of this work is to determine the correlation between the types of creative activity of Myroslav Skoryk and the specifics of his creative universalism. Methodology. The research’s methodology includes systematic analysis and comparison of the leading and auxiliary types of creative activity of the artist at different periods of his creative biography. The researcher modeled the picture of the system connections between them. He determined the key events of the creative biography and the characteristic features of creative individuality. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is to construct a model of M. Skoryk’s creative activity. It reflects the impulsive, mosaic revealing the creative interests of the artist. 1963‒64, 1966‒67, 1983, the end of the 1980s ‒ the beginning of the 1990s are the milestones of his creative path. The model of M. Skoryk’s creative activity demonstrates the leading role of the composition, an auxiliary role of pedagogy and social activity, fragmentary manifestations of scientific work and performances during the creative path of the artist. Conclusions. The findings of the study are as follows: 1) the closest interrelationships and interactions there are between the different activities of M. Skoryk; 2) the transition from one to another segment in the model of creative universalism of the artist is carried out by smooth fluctuations-modulations; 3) many of the important events of the creative and biographical scenarios of M. Skoryk formed a motley model of his creative universalism; 4) genre-style palette of creativity of the artist extends in a wide range ‒ from folk to Baroque genres, from jazz to spiritual compositions, etc.; 5) M. Scoryk’s biographical scenario is realized in the conditions of multi-vector relations between Kyiv and Lviv and contains numerous exits beyond the boundaries of Ukrainian cultural space.

Author Biography

Olha Komenda, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

Candidate of Art Criticism (Ph. D.), Docent, Associate Professor at the Department of History, Theory of Arts and Performance


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