Club choreography: the improvisation as a means of the creative leisure


  • Svitlana Oborska Kyiv National University of the Culture and Arts, Ukraine



culture, club choreography, club culture, club dance, style, improvisation, modern dance, choreographic art


The purpose of the article is to study the features of club choreography, improvisational features as a means of creative leisure for young people. The methodology of this research makes it possible to apply methods of analysis, synthesis, terminological, source-study approaches. The scientific novelty lies in determining the features of the provision of services for club choreography. Conclusions. The article considers the main types of the club dance as a free, democratic genre of the choreographic culture and its improvisational features as a means of the constructive leisure and creative development of the youth. Their origin and the nature of the improvisation are determined. The specificity of the club dances, their main components are formulated. The separation of the modern club choreographic culture from the past Ukrainian traditions of the choreographic culture is affirmed.

Author Biography

Svitlana Oborska, Kyiv National University of the Culture and Arts

candidate in the art criticism, docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Event Management and Leisure Industry


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