
  • Izida Ishmuradova
  • Alfiya Ishmuradova



improvement, country studies projects, to coexist, cross-cultural cooperation, to communicate, essential part of education, multicultural competencies, students of the university, culture, to collaborate, international activity, multicultural society, higher educational universities.


Abstract: This article describes means of improvement of cross-cultural interaction of students. It is dealt with some country studies projects. It is shown that country studies projects have positive effect in the process of teaching of students. The content of this article can be used to improve the process of teaching of foreign language. One of the most important tasks of modern education is to introduce students’ global values, the formation of the students’ ability to communicate and interact with representatives of neighboring culture in the world space. Trends of the modern society in social, cultural, economic, political spheres led to the formation of a multicultural society. Multicultural society is an educational space in which students live and study different ethno-linguistic, religious and socio-economic facilities. The article submissions are of practical value to foreign language teachers in the organization and planning of students educational and self-learning activity aimed to establish and improve their multicultural competencies. Huge role in the formation of multicultural competencies of students is given to the country studies projects, which are able to form a perception of the integrity of the world. Great importance is played by country studies project activities which provide the invaluable experience for the understanding of cultural diversity of countries and cultures. Therefore, the formation of multicultural competence of students by means of country studies projects are extremely important part of the learning process, especially in the context of training in the field of international activity. In practice, civilized world requires professionals who have the extensive knowledge of cultural diversity in a global scale, are able to build connections, create favorable conditions for cross-cultural interaction. Therefore, the important feature of students is to develop fundamental knowledge about the multicultural world that is the key to peaceful coexistence and international security.
Keywords: improvement,country studies projects, to coexist, cross-cultural cooperation, to communicate, essential part of education, multicultural competencies, students of the university, culture, to collaborate, international activity, multicultural society, higher educational universities.


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