
  • Oksana Shemshurenko
  • Liliya Nizamieva
  • Gulnara Nazarova
  • Gérard Broussois



inductive approach, deductive approach, content of education, teaching foreign languages, cognitive-speech independence, competence, transfer.


Abstract. The article deals with issues related to the application of an inductive approach in the process of teaching foreign languages. In contrast to the deductive approach, it embodies the rejection of pedagogical compulsion, has great potential as means of stimulating cognitive interest, increasing motivation and developing cognitive independence of students in mastering educational material. The article analyzes the feasibility and effectiveness of the application of inductive strategies of teaching foreign languages, in which the problematic nature of tasks contributes to the development of the students’ critical thinking. The advantages of inductive pedagogy are considered by the authors
on the example of the formation of grammatical skills and speaking skills during the foreign language classes at various levels of education. The authors conclude that the construction of the teaching process based on the inductive approach creates the basis for the students’ self-realization, contributes to the development of activity and personal independence, which ultimately enhances the importance of the teaching process itself, in contrast to today’s traditional teaching model, aimed only at its result. In addition, the inductive approach is the best match for the tendency to enhance the practical orientation of the teaching process, established in modern education. At the higher education level, inductive
pedagogy ensures the formation of professional and professionally-applied competences of future specialists on a more conscious basis. In the process of teaching foreign languages, the inductive approach forms the graduate’s ability to adapt to various language situations of everyday and professional communication, independently and creatively build effective communication strategies. Thus, the inductive approach is aimed at creating the foundations for the further development of the creative potential and self-education of the individual, which provides him with broad prospects for
application in the educational sphere.
Key words: inductive approach, deductive approach, content of education, teaching foreign languages,
cognitive-speech independence, competence, transfer.


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