
  • Lyudmila Abdrashitova
  • Gulnara Sadykova
  • Natasha Anthony




explicitation, explication, explicit, explicature, implicit, translation.


Abstract. The aim of the paper is to explore the concept of explicitation as a translation method used for making the implicit explicit and clear to the reader of a translated text. The article offers a literature review of a variety of interpretations of the common term “explicitation” and a broad range of its usage both in Russian and foreign translation studies. Comparing views of various researchers, the paper provides a full and adequate interpretation of the concept under analysis and develops a theoretical framework for further studies. The way of formulation and interpretation of explicitation is shown in a diachronic aspect compared with the common rendition of the term “explicitation”. The study embraces a range of explicitation types and recommended translation competence to provide an appropriate and first-class translation and a better adaptation of a translated text for a potential reader who is mainly a non-speaker of the language of the original text.
Keywords: explicitation, explication, explicit, explicature, implicit, translation.


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