
  • Antonina Zabuga
  • Zulfiya Yusupova
  • Gulnara Aleeva
  • Anna Brenchugina-Romanova




linguodidactics, Russian language, Chinese students, professional education, methodology of teaching.


Abstract. The paper focuses on one of the most up-to-date issues in the sphere of the theory and methodology of teaching the Russian language – the theoretical grounding and practical elaboration of nationally oriented methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. In our research work, we used such methods and techniques as analysis, observation, description, comparison, collation, and generalization. The results go as follows: despite the attempts made by linguodidacts in the last two decades, many problems remain unsolved. In particular, the methods of teaching the Russian language to foreign students studying music are least developed. It is found out that currently the specificity of preparing foreign students at the stages of preparatory and postgraduate professional education is not taken into account
properly. It is proved that it is more efficient to pay more attention to communicative exercises that allow students to use professional lexis and terminology, compile two-language glossaries that are aimed to help students study terminology faster and in a more easy way. We believe that this study contributes to the field of linguodidactics and might be interesting to all those who teach Russian to Chinese students.
Keywords: linguodidactics, Russian language, Chinese students, professional education, methodology of


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