
  • Radif Zamaletdinov
  • Fanuza Gabdrakhmanova
  • Gulnara Zamaletdinova



anthropocentrism, linguoculturology, language picture of the world, nomination, Turkic conceptual system, Tatar linguoculture.


Abstract. Recognizing the links between language and culture, many domestic and foreign researchers first pay attention to the lexical-semantic level of the language, the units of which directly respond to changes in all spheres of human activity. Researchers note that words with special cultural-specific meanings reflect not only the way of life that is characteristic of the language collective, but also the way of thinking. In our study, we came to the conclusion that the process and results of designation with the help of linguistic units are associated with the formation of concepts in which the natural properties of things and phenomena are given in the form of abstractedness. All language units
have a plan of expression, that is, form, and content. Nominative meaning is directed at objects, phenomena, processes, qualities of reality, including the inner life of a person, and reflects their social comprehension. Nomination is defined as the fixation behind the linguistic sign of the concept reflecting certain attributes of the property, quality and relationship of objects and processes of the material and spiritual sphere, due to which linguistic units form the content elements of verbal communication. Any denomination in the language is determined by experience, which precedes the act of naming, and is determined by the main trends and patterns of the conceptual system of a particular language. We
can say that an "anthropocentrism" is observed in the Turkic conceptual system, which finds its expression in the nomination processes.
Keywords: anthropocentrism, linguoculturology, language picture of the world, nomination, Turkic conceptual system, Tatar linguoculture.


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