
  • Anna Magdalena
  • Gulshat Hayrutdinova
  • Firuza Sibgaeva
  • Jelena Radovanovich



poetic text, comparative analysis, figurative opportunities of the lexemes pamyat and khater, figurative paradigm, subject of the comparison.


Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the figurative potential of the Russian word pamyat
(memory) and its Tatar equivalent khater. The research of the figurativeness of language and speech makes the cross-disciplinary problem which is important both for linguistics, and for adjacent scientific areas – literary criticisms, esthetics and psychology. The relevance of studying the words pamyat and khater is caused by the lack of the linguistic works containing the description of the figurative properties of these lexical units which quite often carry out an important role in the reflection of the contents of a literary work. The purpose of the research is the comparative analysis of the figurative opportunities of the lexemes pamyat and khater used in the poetic texts as a subject of the comparison. The material for study is the texts of poetic works which are available in the electronic resources – "The national corps of Russian" and "The national corps of Tatar". It is established that the functioning of words pamyat and
khater has considerable similarity and 6 general paradigms in which these lexemes approach the words relating to the concepts "being", "space", "water", "plant", "information", "light" testify this fact. Except similar features, there are also some differences in the use of the analyzed lexical units. So, in the Russian texts the word pamyat is quite often compared to the names of substances and also to the names of some objects (doska (a board), zerkalo (a mirror)). Special types of use characteristic only to the functioning of the Tatar word khater are found in those contexts in which the image of comparison is presented by the lexical units relating to the semantic zones "fabric" and "sound". The results of the research can find application in a number of scientific areas: stylistics, cultural linguistics and
Keywords: poetic text, comparative analysis, figurative opportunities of the lexemes pamyat and khater,
figurative paradigm, subject of the comparison.


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