
  • Azaliya Gizatullina
  • Gulshat Hayrutdinova
  • Gulnara Lutfullina



poetic text, lexeme /memory, imagery of the word, image invariance, imaginative paradigm.


Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis and description of the imaginative potential of the lexeme
память /memory. The research is proved to be actual because the functioning of the lexeme associated with important cognitive process of a person is revealed. The purpose of the article is to analyze the imaginative potential of the lexeme память /memory met in poetry of the XIX – XXI centuries. During the research, the following methods were used: descriptive-analytical, semantic-stylistic, distributive. The material for the study was the poetic works of Russian authors. The source for the collection and systematization of linguistic material was the «National Corpus of the Russian Language» ( The research is carried out in line with those linguistic
works where the idea of artistic image invariance is developed. Examples with the lexeme память /memory referring to the «mental» concept and occupying left / right member position were investigated. The analysis shows that the lexeme память /memory functioning, has a significant imaginative potential in Russian poetry. As a result of the research, imaginative paradigms were revealed, where the lexeme память /memory is used as an object of comparison and as an
image of comparison. It is determined that in the left member position the lexeme память /memory often converges with lexical units forming concepts of «being», «space», «plant», «substance», «light» and «water». Occupying the right member position, the lexeme память /memory is often combined with words related to the semantic zones «existential», «mental», «space», «being» and «plant». Reversibility models were distinguished. The convergence riteria for lexical units occupying the right / left member position in the imaginative paradigms were established.
Keywords: poetic text, lexeme память /memory, imagery of the word, image invariance, imaginative


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