Identity and difference of culturological and anthropological schools


  • Polina Gerchanivska National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



culturology, anthropology, national anthropological schools, intercultural communication


Purpose of the article is to reveal the status of culturology in the system of scientific knowledge and its connection with world anthropological schools. The conceptual methodological core of the research is system analysis of culturology as a social and cultural phenomenon for the disclosure of its structural and value-semantic aspects; dialogue and historical-comparative methods for understanding the mechanisms of interaction of culturological and anthropological national schools. Scientific Novelty. For the first time, it is scientifically substantiated that the dominant determinants of the formation of culturology as an alternative to Western cultural and social anthropology are the conflict of traditions of two axiologically different socio-cultural environments and ideological differences in modeling the cultural process in the globalization space (the dichotomy of Western liberal and communist doctrines). It has been established that the vector of development of culturological and anthropological national schools is due to the historical and cultural process and socio-cultural realities; mechanisms of their interaction are revealed. Conclusions. The moderators of the formation of culturology as a science, its subject field and architectonics are revealed. The evolution of the paradigm basis of culturology and its connection with the national anthropological schools are traced: their identity and difference have been established.

Author Biography

Polina Gerchanivska, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

doctor of Culturology, professor, Head of the department of Culturology and information communications


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