Development of the Ukrainian People’s Republic cultural diplomacy during the Directorate period (1918-1920)


  • Dmytro Viedienieiev National Academy of Cultural and Arts Management, Ukraine



Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian state creation, diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, international informing, Ukrainian People’s Republic.


 Purpose of the Article. To explore the conceptual orientation, organization-functional structure, the forms and methods of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UPR) diplomatic activity during the Directorate period aimed for the propaganda of the cultural and arts heritage of Ukrainian for abroad with the target to form the positive image of Ukrainian state and its affirmation in the system of international relation of that time. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research consists from the compiled application of the set of methods of scientific knowledge: general scientific (philosophical) methods; special scientific methods; branch methods of the historical science, the methods of the other socio-humanitarian sciences. In particular, using of the historical-systematic method allowed to explore the cultural diplomacy model in the unity of its organizational and essential forms, and is the status of the foreign policy apparatus subsystem of the Ukrainian state. Scientific novelty. The article based on the archive-documental sources presents an attempt to conduct the generalizing research of the system of cultural-informational activity of Ukrainian diplomacy on behalf of the development of the new sovereign state in the system of international relations. Conclusions. During the Directorate period in the frames of diplomatic and international-informational activity, some germs of Ukrainian cultural diplomacy have been formed. Its model of that time consisted of the special MFA departments and informational-propaganda office, the specialized units of the diplomatic representatives abroad. The first nationwide or offices legal documents were created, which were determined as the international information-cultural activity orientation, as the specific tasks of the state offices activity in these spheres. The concert tours of artistic collectives were organized, the state tried to set up the book publishing, exhibitions activity, cinema-photo propaganda. Even in the difficult financial-material conditions, the feasible informational-cultural assistance to the Ukrainians abroad or on the ethnical territories occupied by the foreign states was provided. The positive experience of the Ukrainians abroad involvement to the spread of the knowledge about Ukrainian cultural-civilization heritage was created. 

Author Biography

Dmytro Viedienieiev, National Academy of Cultural and Arts Management

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences


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