Сultural practices in the discussion of cultural studies


  • Olga Kopievska National Academy of Managerial Staff of culture and arts, Ukraine




, Cultural Studies, cultural practices, cultural researches, youth counter-cultural anti-war and feminist movements, mass and popular culture.


Purpose of the Article. The purpose of the research is to study the thematization of the cultural practices in the paradigm of cultural studies in the context of the foreign and domestic scientific discourse. Methodology. The methodology of the research includes general scientific principles of systematization and generalization of research, which allow the author to determine and scientifically substantiate the existing theories, dealt with the understanding of the concept of «cultural practices». The purpose and tasks of the article determine the applying of the hermeneutic approach, which provides the understanding of various cultural phenomena and allows us to understand the specifics of the revision of these processes, cultural practices. The analytical method allows us to identify the conceptual foundations for further scientific perspectives. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelties of the article are to study the represented research orientations in educational cultural practices in the discourse of Cultural Studies, to find out the role of various cultural practices in the applied researches and to analyze the perspectives of the researched subject in the scientific tradition of Applied Cultural Studies.  Conclusions. The analysis of the thematization of the cultural practices within British cultural studies has allowed us to state that the paradigm of Cultural Studies is the interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary research field. It is represented by the opened system of the key terms, ideas, and orientations, which play an important role in the understanding of the complicated space of modern culture. In turn, it has allowed us to propose an author's definition of the concept of «cultural practices».

Author Biography

Olga Kopievska, National Academy of Managerial Staff of culture and arts

doctor of cultural science, professor Head of the Department of Art Management and event technology


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